Laknath Gunathilake (Palau, Financial Institutions Commission)
Laknath automated the loading process for bank records to migrate quarterly bank records for the FIC, charged with maintaining a financial regulatory and supervisory system for the Republic of Palau.

Over the summer Laknath continued work that TCinGC student consultants started in 2018, 2019 and 2020 to automate the collection of bank transactions, highlight potentially fraudulent transactions and summarize banking activity in consolidated annual banking reports. Over the years the original spreadsheet based system became cumbersome to use and with each added quarter of data it took longer and longer to load. Laknath simplified the many excel spreadsheets to allow for faster loading time and less 'cutting and pasting', he created and loaded a database for automating quarterly data migration from the banks, automated the report generation process and perhaps most importantly, created a roadmap for future consultants to transition to a more robust technical solution that will more easily scale.