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Laying the Groundwork for Electronic Health Records

Allison Scibisz ( Palau, Belau Medical Clinic)

Allison researched the solution, configured and set up the computer network for the Belau Medical Clinic, a privately owned medical clinic in the Republic of Palau, an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean.

The Belau Medical Clinic’s thirty-eight employees used computers and took advantage of a broadband internet connection, but the computers were not consistently backed up nor were they connected to a local office network. Patient records are on paper, and the clinic is interested in moving to electronic record storage. The CMU student selected, installed and configured a Windows Server Essentials 2016 operating system and connected all clinic computers to the server and she trained the clinic manager in basic server management and maintenance. The result is a fully networked office with backups in place and an infrastructure on which to build the desired electronic records management system.

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