Daisy Nkweteyim and Nikolas Rebovich (Republic of the Marshall Islands, Banking Commission)
The Banking Commission is responsible for the licensing, regulation, and supervision of banks and financial services providers in and from the Republic.

Although work had been done by student consultants in the past on maintenance of the technology infrastructure, the improvements had not been maintained. Some of these improvements were the organizations website, FIU database, email certificate and the rmifiu.org domain. The consultants brought things up to date and provided training and guides to the main admin and other staff so that they could renew the email certificate, share resources in a secure manner, maintain the database and modify the website moving forward.
Daisy gained a lot from her experience. As she describes, she went from student and seeker of knowledge to expert and advisor of a government organization. The experience taught her “to be more assertive, build human relation skills and adapt to unfamiliar and changing situations.” She also learned to speak a little bit of Marshallese. Along with communication, she learned to listen for inference to understand what was being said, especially in social interactions.
From a work perspective, Daisy used the quote ““Give a man/woman a fish and you feed them for a day, teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.” With the skills and reassurance she provided during her time, she felt that her work was sustainable and could now be maintained without the consultants. Her difference was “teaching the employees to fish for a lifetime.”