Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, ASYV:
Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village is a residential community providing education for children orphaned during and after the Rwandan genocide.
2012 Nicole Ifill (Dietrich-IS) Loward Ziv Piper (Heinz-MSISPM)
Helped ASYV define the requirements for a unified information system to manage student information concerning education, health and wellness, and follow-up upon graduation. They also performed systematic user testing of a new intranet and provided user interface recommendations to improve it.
2011 Alimou Bah (Heinz-MISM) Jin Seop Kim (SCS-CS)
Completed the full setup of three computer labs, including hardware, networks, and software.
Established a team of student assistants to provide ongoing support for the labs.
Configured ASYV's student information system, and trained staff in its use.
Created a plan to improve the WiFi networking in the village.
2012 Vivian Cheung (Heinz-Global MISM)
Vivian designed and helped Manumetal implement a way to bridge their local area networks, researched and implemented a customer relationship management system to replace their paper and spreadsheet-based system.
Horizon Sopyrwa
2012 Yikai Zhu (Heinz-Global MISM)
Improved internal communication by implementing an instant messaging system.
Created a process for sharing report files between departments.
Built a database to better manage information in the Crop Production Department.