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2004-2009 PALAU


2009 Tom Lewkowitz (SCS-CS) Yixin Liu (CIT-ECE)
  • Created a web-based information system to manage, analyze, and report student standardized test scores across the Palau school system.

  • The new system will save the Ministry months of work each year. Reports on test data that used to take the Ministry until late fall to produce were ready for an education conference in July

2007 Zixuan Ma (Heinz-MISM)

  • Re-engineered the Palau High School’s Student Information System and built capacity within the Ministry to manage further development.

  • Deployed the open source learning management system, Moodle, for use by Ministry staff and schoolteachers


Jasmine Han (H&SS-IS/SCS-HCI)
  • Redesigned and implemented the Ministry of Education’s web site, built on an open source content management system.

  • Integrated the Palau Career Resources Network into the new Ministry web site.

2005 Jon Milikowsky (SCS-CS) Matthew Johnson-Roberson (SCS-CS)
  • Identified and adapted an open-source web-based student information system for use in managing student data in all elementary schools.

  • Demonstrated a more cost-effective alternative to manage student computer labs by using lower-capacity computers and Linux-based terminal server software.

  • Created a new intranet with e-mail, shared folder space, unified user logins and management for use throughout the Ministry.

2009 Katherine Edgar (CFA-Design)
  • Helped the Bureau of Public Health Community Advocacy Program to communicate more clearly with the public by developing a marketing / brand identity, creating standard communication templates.

  • Trained staff to use advanced graphic design applications.

2009 Brandon Loughery (Heinz-MAM)
  • Helped the Bureau of Public Health use a Geographical Information System to support emergency planning.

  • The GIS maps show the locations of homebound patients, emergency shelters, health ministry dispensaries, and potentially dangerous fuel storage locations.

2009 Mi Gyeong Koo (SCS-CS)
  • A standardized reporting template was developed to extract information from databases in 9 hospital units for decision making by the Director of Hospital and Clinical Services.

  • A new database was created for the hospital laboratory.

2008 Courtenay O’Connor (Heinz-MSPPM) Nirav Patel (CIT-ECE)
  • Worked with the Medical Licensure, Medical Referral, Medical Library, and Institutional Review Board programs at the Ministry of Health to develop databases and work processes to improve information management.

2007 Kevin Purtell (H&SS-IS) Katie Menzies (CIT-ECE/BME)
  • Consolidated 10 databases in the Bureau of Public Health into a single improved system to better support data collection and statistical analysis of environmental health information such as food handling inspections, health permits, and disease surveillance.

  • Created an information system to better track, analyze, and manage Public Health educational outreach activities.

2006 Stephen Maher (H&SS-IS) Gopal Patel (CIT-ECE/SCS-CS)
  • Developed departmental databases while training personnel on their design and use.

  • Developed an asset tracking database and a human resources database.

  • Upgraded a database to better track inventory in the pharmacy’s dispensary.

  • Provided training sessions on Microsoft Excel and Access to demonstrate data collection, analysis, and reporting techniques

  • Extensive training with the Infection Control division led to a reorganization of their hospital environmental surveillance data.

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