Modernizing Licensing: Streamlining Palau's FIC Bank License Applications with Digital Transformation
Jonah Nascimento collaborated with the Palau Financial Institutions Commission (FIC) to digitize the bank license application process and...

Developing a Loans Database and User Interface
Tyler improved employee efficacy by simplifying lending reports and rebuilding the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP) website.

Setting Up a Comprehensive Central Registry for Corporations
Sunday assisted the Palau Financial Institutions Commission (FIC) by setting up a comprehensive workstation for the new central registry.

Updating Databases and Expediting Digitization
Yidan updated various processes and systems with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in the Republic of Palau.

Freeing Banking Records: From Locked Cells to Data Analysis
Mehak Sikka (Palau, Financial Institutions Commission, FIC) Mehak converted a complex excel spreadsheet application into a MySQL database...

Resilience in the Face of Ransomware
Vipasha Awasthi (Palau, National Development Bank of Palau, NDBP) Vipasha automated monthly reports and proposed a business continuity...

Automating the Risk Assessment Process
Sudipto Das (Palau, Financial Intelligence Unit, FIU) Sudipto worked on the systems that analyze suspicious or illegal financial activity...

Improving Bank Record Accuracy
Apoorva Havanur (Palau, Financial Intelligence Unit, FIU) The FIU detects, disrupts and deters money laundering and terrorist financing...

Preparing for a New System and Automating Data Entry
Yuanhan Liu (Palau, Financial Institutions Commission (FIC) The FIC establishes and maintains a financial and regulatory and supervisory...

Banking in the Marshall Islands
Daisy Nkweteyim and Nikolas Rebovich (Republic of the Marshall Islands, Banking Commission) The Banking Commission is responsible for the...