A Revitalized Receiving and Yard Control System
Ryan Eckert and Aditya Chanana (Marshall Islands, Majuro Stevedore & Terminal Co) Ryan and Aditya upgraded the yard control, receiving...

Commercial Community Development
Sebastian Guerrero (Palau, Bureau of Commercial Development Context Analysis, BCD) The BCD in Palau helps to inform and promote programs...

Farm Information Systems
Travis Stahl and Eddy Norikazu (Rwanda, Agohozo-Shalom Youth Village, ASYV) The ASYV is a village created as a systematic solution to...

Driving Island Entrepreneurship
Gus Henry (Palau, Bureau of Commercial Development & Chamber of Commerce) Gus worked with the Bureau of Commercial Development and the...

Coordinating Cargo Craziness
Philip Baker and Jorge Solera (Marshall Islands, Majuro Stevedore and Terminal Company) Philip and Jorge developed a website structure...

A Database and Website to Fulfill the Customer's Needs
Clare Lai and Nurlaili Fajriyah (Marshall Islands, MEC) Claire and Nurlaili worked on a database and website for the Marshall Energy...

Horizon Construction
Rempei Iwata and Sheng-Lun Chen (Rwanda, Horizon Construction) This summer, Rempei and Sheng-Lun spent 10 weeks in Rwanda consulting with...

AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2012 Sean Kim (Dietrich-IS / Heinz-MISM) Helped the Airport Authority develop a web site for the Airport. Developed an...